Даниъл Дейвид Нтанда Нсереко (Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko) е угандийски съдия в Международния наказателен съд (МНС).
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Даниъл Дейвид Нтанда Нсереко |
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Професор Нсереко е подкрепен за избора му като съдия в МНС от Африканския съюз и е избран от страните членки заедно с французина Bruno Cotte и японеца Фумико Сайга.
Даниъл Нсереко е ангажиран адвентист от седмия ден в своята църква Broadhurst в Габорон (Ботсвана) като старейшина и директор за християнско възпитание.
- 1968 – бакалавър по право (LL.B), University of East Africa, Дар ес Салаам, Танзания
- 1970 – магистър по сравнително право (M.C.J.), Howard University
- 1971 – магистър по право (LL.M), New York University School of Law, Ню Йорк, САЩ
- 1972 – диплома по международно право, The Hague Academy of International Law
- 1973-1975 – доктор по право (J.S.D.), New York University School of Law, Ню Йорк, United States of America School of Law, Вашингтон (Окръг Колумбия), САЩ
- 1968 – стажант адвокат при Kiwanuka & Co., Advocates, Кампала, Уганда
- 1971-1975 – преподавател по право, Makerere University, Кампала, Уганда
- 1975-1978 – старши преподавател по право (Senior Lecturer in Law), Макерере университет, Кампала, Уганда
- 1978-1982 – целодневна частна практика по право, Кампала, Уганда
- 1983 Social Affairs Officer, Център на ООН за развитие и хуманитарно дело, Ню Йорк
- 1983-1984 – експерт консултант, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch of the United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Ню Йорк
- 1984-1992 – старши преподавател по право, Университет в Ботсвана
- 1992-1996 – доцент по право, Университет в Ботсвана
- 1993-1994 – Walter S. Owen Visiting Professor of Law, Университет на Британска Колумбия, Правен факултет, Ванкувър, Канада
- 1996 – професор по право, Университет в Ботсвана, Габорон
- Criminal Law and Procedure in Botswana (Kluwer Law International Publishers, Deventer, Netherlands, 2007) – предстояща.
- With K. Solo, Legal Ethics in Botswana: Cases and Materials (University of Botswana, Department of Law, Private Bag 0022 Gaborone. 2004. ISBN 99912-949-5-3) [448 pages]
- Constitutional Law in Botswana, International Encyclopaedia of Laws (Kluwer International Publishers, Deventer, Netherlands. 2002. ISBN 90 6544 9442 and ISBN 90K 330 022X). Republished by Pula Press, Gaborone, Botswana, 2002. ISBN 999-61-97-4) [323 pages]
- Criminal Procedure in Botswana: Cases and Materials (3rd) (Pula Press, Gaborone, 2002, ISBN 99912-61-61-3). [506 pages]
- Criminal Law and Procedure in Uganda (in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Prof. Dr. L. Dupont and Prof. Dr. C. Fijnaut of Leuven University (eds.), Kluwer Law International Publishers, Deventer, Netherlands. 1996. ISBN 900 T 337 0085). [329 pages]
- Eddembe Lyaffe [a treatise written in the Luganda language, literally meaning "Our Rights"; it discusses various aspects of human rights and has four appendices which are translations of key United Nations human rights instruments], (Nabinene Emporium Ltd., P.O. Box 3675 Kampala, Uganda. 1995). Published with the assistance of the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA). [201 pages]
- English – Luganda Law Dictionary (University of Botswana. 1993. ISBN 99912-0-082-7). (Indexed in The African Book Publishing Record, West Sussex, England, 1994). [149 pages]
- Antigone: a Greek Play by Sophocles (a translation into the Luganda language. Marianum Press, Kampala, Uganda. 1989). [63 pages]
Отделни глави в книги
- “Sentencing at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia”, in Andre Klip and Goran Sluiter (eds), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals: The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, Vol. XV (Intersentia, Antwerp, 2007) – предстояща.
- “Participation in Crime in Botswana” in Ulrich Sieber (ed.) Participation in Crime: Criminal Liability of Leaders of Criminal Groups and Networks – A Comparative Analysis (Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Freiburg.
Статии в интернационални списания
- “Bringing Aggressors to Justice: From Nuremberg to Rome” 4 University of Botswana Law Journal, pp. 4–32 (2005).
- “The SADC Protocol against Corruption: Example of the Region’s Response to an International Scourge”, with Zein Kebonang, 1 University of Botswana Law Journal, pp. 85–119 (2005).
- “Prosecutorial Discretion before National Courts and International Tribunals”, 2 Journal of International Criminal Justice, pp. 124–144 (2005).
- “Triggering the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court”, 4 African Human Rights Law Journal pp. 256–274 (2004).
- “Defining the Crime of Aggression: An Important Agenda Item for the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”, Acta Juridica Journal, pp. 256– 286 (2003) (University of Cape Town, South Africa).
- “Aggression Under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court” 71 The Nordic Journal of International Law, pp. 497–521 (2002).
- “The Ethical Obligations of Counsel in Criminal Proceedings: Representing an Unwilling Client”, 12 Criminal Law Forum: An International Journal, pp. 487–507 (2001).
- “Genocidal Conflict and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, 48 Netherlands International Law Review, pp. 31–65 (2001).
- “Minimum Sentences and their Effect on Judicial Discretion”, 31 Crime, Law and Social Change: An International Journal, pp. 363–384 (1999).
- “Crime Prevention in Southern Africa: A Legal Perspective”, 32 The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 247-265 (1999).
- “The International Criminal Court: Jurisdictional and Related Issues”, 10 Criminal Law Forum: an International Journal, pp. 87–120 (1999).
- “Police Informers and Agents Provocateurs: Accomplices or Handmaidens of the Law? Perspectives from the Courts of Eastern and Southern Africa” 9 Criminal Law Forum: an International Journal, pp. 151–169 (1998/99).
- “Indigenous Justice Systems: An Eastern African Perspective”, 24 Indian Socio-Legal Journal, pp. 23–30 (1998).
- “When Crime Crosses Borders: A Southern African Perspective”, 41 Journal of African Law, pp. 192–200 (1997) (University of London).
- “Witchcraft as a Criminal Defence, From Uganda to Canada and Back”, 24 Manitoba Law Journal, pp. 38–59 (1996) (University of Manitoba).
- “Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia” 5 Criminal Law Forum: an International Journal, pp. 507–555 (1994). Reprinted as a chapter in Roger Clark and Madeleine Sann (eds.), The Prosecution of International Crimes (Transaction Publishers, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, N.J., 1996. ISBN 1-56000-269-7). [at pp. 293–341]
- “Victims of Abuse of Power, with Special Reference to Africa” 28 University of British Columbia Law Review, pp. 171–192 (1994). Reprinted in 60 The Review of the International Commission of Jurists, pp. 199–219 (1998).
- “The Poisoned Tree: Responses to Involuntary Confessions in Criminal Proceedings in Botswana, Zambia, and Uganda” 5 African Journal of International & Comparative Law, pp. 609–633 (1993). (London). Reprinted as a chapter in M. Cherif Bassiouni and Ziyad Motala (eds.), The Protection of Human Rights in African Criminal Proceedings (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 1995). [at 83-102]
- “The Police, Human Rights, and the Constitution: An African Perspective”, 15 Human Rights Quarterly, pp. 465–484 (1993) (Johns Hopkins University Press). This article was abstracted in the 1994 International Political Science Abstracts (27 Rue Saint-Gallium, 75341 Paris Cedex 07, France).
- "Religious Liberty and the Law in Botswana Today", 34 Journal of Church and State, pp. 843–862 (1992) (Baylor University).
- "La religion et la loi au Botswana aujourd'hui" 43 Conscience et Liberte, pp. 89–93 (1992) (Bern, Switzerland).
- "Extenuating Circumstances in Capital Offences in Botswana", 2 Criminal Law Forum: an International Journal, pp. 235–268 (1991).
- "Compensating the Victims of Crime in Botswana", 33 Journal of African Law, pp. 157–171 (1989) (University of London).
- "The Right to Legal Representation in Botswana", (1988) Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, pp. 211–227 (Tel Aviv University).
- "Religion, the Law and the State in Africa", 28 Journal of Church and State, pp. 268–287 (1986) (Baylor University).
- "The Right to Return Home in International Law", 21 Indian Journal of International Law, pp. 335–351 (1981).
- "The Nature and Function of Marriage Gifts in Customary African Marriages", 23 American Journal of Comparative Law, pp. 682–704 (1975) (University of California).
- "The Consul as a Defendant: His Amenability to the Jurisdiction of the Receiving State", 15 Indian Journal of International Law, pp. 333–350 (1975).
- "The International Court, Impartiality and Judges Ad Hoc", 13 Indian Journal of International Law, pp. 207–230 (1973). This article was included in J.C. Merrills, A Current Bibliography of International Law, (Butterworths, London, 1978), p. 188.
- "The Tanzania Nationalisation Laws", 3 Eastern African Law Review, pp. 1–23 (1970) (The University of Dar es Salaam).