Kasım 1869. Asker sayısı renkli çizgilerin kalınlığı ile gösterilmiştir, on bin asker bir milimetre kalınlığa karşılık gelir; ayrıca her çiziginin kenarında
gov/cgi-bin/formprocessor/copyright/cfr.pl?&urlmiddle= Uploaded with derivativeFX English Logo's of of WiiConnect24 French Logo du service
of the Binic harbor with the decked-out schooners. French Vue du bassin de Binic avec les goëlettes pavoisées Spanish Vista del puerto de Binic con los
is a derivative work of the following images: File:Prokudin-Gorskii-19-v2.png licensed with PD-RusEmpire 2005-04-11T02:10:25Z Zantastik 3307x2859 (15144811