ملف:Chernobyl placement.svg The source code of this SVG is invalid due to an error. This W3C-invalid vector image was created with Inkscape . English Korean 체르노빌 원자력 발전소의 위치
ملف:Chernobyl placement ru.svgThis image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Chernobyl_placement.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.5-pl 2013-12-21T15:37:02Z Ericmetro 680x520
ملف:Chernobyl placement-uk.svgDescriptionChernobyl placement-uk.svg Українська: Карта Європи з місцезнаходженням ЧАЕС. English: Chernobyl reactor no. 4 placement on a map of Europe
ملف:Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.PNGFile:Chernobyl placement.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file. File:Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.PNG → File:Chernobyl