Ƿēodmōnaða (Niwenglisc: Augusta) is þa hēafodstōl oþþe þa Americanisc rīcen oþþe Maine.

Quick Facts Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America, Rīce ...
Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America
Rīce Muntgumni (AL) • Jūnbyrg (AK) • Fēonix (AZ) • Lȳtelrōc (AR) • Hālgþingstede (CA) • Denaford (CO) • Heortford (CT) • Dofor (DE) • Talehæfesē (FL) • Ætlanda (GA) • Hānolūlu (HI) • Bōisē (ID) • Spryngfeld (IL) • Indigabyrg (IN) • Þā Mūnecas (IA) • Tōpēca (KS) • Francofort (KY) • Rēadstic (LA) • Ƿēodmōnaða (ME) • Annabyrg (MD) • Botwulfstūn (MA) • Lǣnsing (MI) • Hālgapaulus (MN) • Iǣxcūn (MS) • Gefersūnesburh (MO) • Hǣlēna (MT) • Lincoln (NE) • Carsanburg (NV) • Gelēafa (NH) • Trenttūn (NJ) • Hāleġelēafa (NM) • Ælbanige (NY) • Raleah (NC) • Bismearc (ND) • Columbus (OH) • Oclahomaceaster (OK) • Sǣlham (OR) • Hǣrēsburh (PA) • Godsweot (RI) • Columbȳa (SC) • Petrusƿic (SD) • Gnashfyll (TN) • Ēastūnburh (TX) • Sealtlacceaster (UT) • Montpelier (VT) • Rīċemund (VA) • Olimpie (WA) • Ċeorlestūn (WV) • Mædison (WI) • Ċieanneburh (WY)
Þoftscipe Hƿæsingatūn, D.C.

Pægopægo (AS) • Haguatnā (GU) • Sāpan (MP) • Sanctiohannēs (PR) • Ceorlette Amaliaburh (VI)

Quick Facts Ƿēodmōnaða, Land ...
Wēodmōnaða on Maine.


Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 1628
• gerim

150.312912 km²
Hiehþu 20±1 m
• buend

18,899 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00, Eastern Time Zone
Sprecungrim 207
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