Scīr is dǣl þæs lande, an landdāl oþþe in eleland an underrīċes undertōdāl.


In Bretene ƿǣron þa forman scīra ȝefundenon on Ƿestseaxum. Hīe ƿǣron dālas þæs rīċes for lēodƿearde and for dōme, ǣlċ under ānum ealdormenn and in æfterȝēarum ānum scirȝerefan. Þā fram þǣm lande ādrifon Ƿestseaxna cyningas þa Dene þā ƿyrhtede hie scīra in eallum Englarīċe. Ēac in þǣm ȝēarum ārærde Mælcolm II Cyning scīra on Scottum æfter þǣre Engliscan bisene and æftercyning Dauid I āsprēadede þis endebyrd.

Ƿillelm I cyning and his Frencisc hired brōhtedon to Englarīce þæt ƿord counte oþþe in Nīƿum Englisce county sƿā sƿā hīe namedon eorlas count.

In Irlande and on Ƿealum ƿǣron scīra ȝeūpāræred be Engliscum ȝesetnese, oþþæt þe oft folgedon hie ieldre eardum.

Mǣst þāra Bryttiscan scīrena nimaþ hiere naman æfter hierum hēafodburgum: sƿā ȝebisnunga Eoferƿīcscīr æfter Eoferƿīce, Oxnafordscīr after Oxnaforde, ac sume scīra nimaþ hiere naman fram ieldrum stedum, sƿā ȝebisnunga Defenascir, Cent and Fif þā ƿǣron rīċu in ȝēardagum.

Ēac ofersǣ land þæs Þēodacynewīsan and þā Ȝeānlǣht Rīcu American habbaþ scīra æfter þara Bryttiscan bisene.

In Europan and ellesum sind stedas þā meaht man namian scīra.

Scira in missenlicum landum

More information Land, Gereorde ...
Australia Nīƿe Englisc county and shire counties and shires
Canada Nīƿe Englisc and Frencisc county/comté
Cecland Bæmisc kraj kraje 14
Estland Estisc maakond maakonnad 15
Finnland Finnisc and Sƿeonisc maakunta / landskap and lääni / län maakunnat / landskap and lääni / län 9 landskap, 6 län
Geanlæhte Cynerice Niƿe Englisc shire oððe county shires oððe counties
Geanlæht Riciu American Niƿe Englisc county counties 3,141
Horigtaland Horigtisc županija županije 20
Irland Cyneƿise Niƿe Englisc and Irisc county / contae counties / contaethe 26[1]
Iapan Iapanisc 郡(gun) 郡(gun)
Lettland Lettisc rajons rajoni 26
Liberia Niƿe Englisc county counties 15
Liþuania Liþuanisc apskritis apskritys 10
Niðerland Niðerlandisc graafschap graafschappen
Norþƿeg Norþƿegisc fylke fylke/fylker 19
Polaland Polisc powiat powiaty 314 (+ 65 "scir ceastre")
Rumænia Rumænisc judeţ judeţe 41+1
Russland Russisc rayon (район) oððe okrug (округ) rayoni (районы) oððe okruga (округа) >1000
Suð Corea Coreisc 군(gun, 郡) 군(gun, 郡) 86[2]
Sƿeoland Sƿēonisc landskap and län landskap and län 25 landskap, 21 län"
Turkland Turcisc il iller 81
Ungerland Ungerisc megye megyék 19/22/1


Þa ēastern riciu Australie, and dælas Ƿesternes Australie and Sūþaustralie sind bedæleden in scirum (under þæm naman counties).

Þa scira sind underbedæled in tunscipum in Niƿum Suþum Ƿealum, Uictorie, Tasmanie and Cƿenalande oððe hundredum in Suþaustralie. Þa counties nabbaþ ne gerecbrūnung and hie sind ungecnaƿen on mæst þæm Australiacynn.

In Australisce landbocunge sind counties þæt forma landgemet.

Scira for stoƿelican gerecþegnunga in Australie sind under þæm naman shires, ēac mid municipalities.


On Canade, sind tien underriciu bedæleden in scirum.

Canadiscan Census Dalas in 2001

In Ontarioe and Niƿum Scotlande sind þas scira stoƿelicu gerecþegnung earda, ac in Nīƿum Brunsƿice, Quebece and Eadƿeard Æþeling Iega sind hie nu landgemet.

Mæst scira habbað þærin municipalities, ac sume sind ane miclu ceaster. In norþerne Ontarioe and norþerne Quebece, sind þas landdālas boldgetalu (districts) ne scira. In landum mid manigum burgum in suþerne middle Ontarioe sind nīƿe regional municipalities for stoƿelicre gerecþegnunga, ne scira.

  • In Saskatchewane, Manitobe, and Niƿgefundenlande and Labradore sind bedælunga (divisions) ne scira.
  • Alberta hæfþ missenlica earda. Sume sind scira (counties).
  • Bryttisc Columbia hæfþ eahta scira for doman.
  • Þæt Geokon Land is an boldgetæla.
  • Þa Norþƿesterne Land and Nunavut sind in boldgetælan bedæleden.

Geānede Cynerice

Hēafodgeƿrits: Scīra þæs Geānedan Cynerīces, and [[]], and [[]], and [[]], and [[]]

Þæt Geānede Cynerīce is bedælede in tƿa and nigontig eardfæstum scirum.

For stoƿlicre gerecþegnunga hæfþ þæt Cynerice mænigfealde sōcna mid missenlicum namum. Stoƿlice gerecþegnung scira in Englalande sindon ceasterniscan scira and unceasterniscan scira, and on Norþƿealum sind "scira" and "scirburgscipas". (Beforan 1975 ƿæron administrative counties (gerecþegnung scira) and scirburgscipu þa ƿæron gearærde in 1889.) Būton in Bearrucscire, ælcu unceasterniscu scira on Englum hæfþ scirgeþinge. Þa mæra scira and eall ceasterniscan scira sind gedæled in boldgetalum, ælc boldgetæl mid his agan geþinge.

In Norþerne Irlande ƿæron þa siexe scirgeþingu and scirburgescipgeþingu geended in 1973 and in hiere stedum sind 26 stoƿlicu gerecþegnung boldgetalu. Þa siexe eardfæstan scira abidað in gemænelicum nytte for mænigefealdum ƿisum.

In 1889 (Englalande and Ƿealum), 1890 (Scotland) and 1899 (Irland) ƿæron þa forman scirgeþingas geuparæred; hiere scira (oððe "gerec scira") folgeden þa eardfæstan scira. Endniƿung in 1965 and 1974-1976 aƿendedon þa gerecþegnung carte icle; hie scopon niƿa scira oft felaungelic þa eardfæstan scira on Englum and Ƿealum, and micla regia on Scottum buton scirum. Æfterbetung in 1992-1996 aƿendedon þa gerecþegnung carte edniƿe.

Irland Cyneƿise

Irland Īege is bedæled in 32 scīra, hƿærof 26 sind Irland-cyneƿise and 6 sind Norðerne Īrland.

Þas scira sind be ealdgesegene gesamned in feoƿer underriciu - Leinster (tƿeolf scīra), Munster (siexe scīra) Connaught (fif scīra) and Uladstir (þrie scīr, ac siexe Uladstires scīra sind Norðern Irland). Ælce scīr hæfþ "scīr geþinge". Þa underrīciu nabbað ne onƿeald.

Þæt getæl and þa mæru þara gerec scirena þære Iriscan Cyneƿise ƿæron onƿended fram 1990. Difelinscīr ƿæs gebrocen in þrim: Dun Laoghaire-Raþdoƿn, Fingal, and Suþ Difelin - Difelin-ceaster ƿæs geo scirburgscipe. Ēac sōþlic is gerec-"Tipperary Scīr" gedælede in tƿæm gerecþegnungum scirum, þa hatað Norþ Tipperary and Suþ Tipperary. Þa miclu ceasterniscan stedas, Corc, Galƿæg, Limerice, and Ƿeðerford sind scīrburgscipas, bedæled fram hierum scīrum. Forþæm hæfþ seo Cyneƿise feoƿer and þeortig scīrhad geþingu.

Naþylæs, þa siexe and tƿeontig scīra and hiere landgemæro ƿuniað be æƿe . Þas scīra and underrīciu abidað in gemænige bryce, and scīrfæstnes is geforþgestranged be stōƿlice holdscipe and gamen.


Man broceð þæt ƿord "scir" to aƿendenne þæt Cinisc ƿord xiàn. In þære Folclican Cyneƿīsum Cīnum, scira sind þæt stoƿlic gerecþgnung þing under þæm ealdormanndome, se is under þæm underrice.

In þara landum þara Hanƿara (oþþe "ealdum Cinan") sind 2,000 scira, þas habbaþ abiden siððan þa Han Caserecynn (206 BC - AD 220). Seo scir is an þara ieldestan onƿealda in Cinan; þa underriciu ƿæron be þæm Yuan Caserecynn (1279 - 1368) uparæred. Seo scir ƿæs hēahþegnung in caserelicum Cinan forþæm ƿæs hit se stoƿlicosta onƿeald þæs caserelican ƿealdes, under an scirgerefan.

Geānedu Rīcu American

Hēafodgeƿrits: Rīce þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca American, and [[]], and [[]], and [[]], and [[]]
Landscīte ymbe American mid scīra mearcum.

Þa scīra sind in 48 þara 50 rīce þāra Geāneda Rīca American landsceap oþþe tōþegnung dālas fæst under þǣm rīce, and ofer þǣm burgscipe oþþe tunscipe.

Louisiana hæfþ þing gelic scīra ac hiere nama is parish (tūnsocn). Alaska is bedæled in burgscipum.

In tƿǣm rīcum and dǣl þridde hæfþ gesetnes beended scīr tōþegnung, and seo scīr is āngilde landsceap.


Liberia hæfþ 15 scira. Ælcu cieseþ tƿegen ealdor to þæm Liberisc Senate.


Apskritis is þæt Liþuanisc ƿord for scir. Siþþan 1994 hæfþ Liþuania 10 scira (beforan 1950 ƿæron 20). Þære scire ānglide þegnung is scirgerefscipe. Se scirgerefa is ƿeard æ and gereces in þæm scire.

Sƿēoland and Finnland

Sƿeoland hæfþ to cynn dæla; þæt landskap and þæt län. In þæm Niƿan Engliscan gereorde is hit geþeaƿe to aƿendienne landskap (se is on Englisce "landsceap") sƿa province and län" sƿa county (se is scir) oððæt ðe län" is neor "híernes" oððe "scipfylleþ". Finnland ƿæs dæl Sƿeorices oððæt 1815 and hæfþ þa ilcan landmet, ac from 1634 to 1997

Þa landskap sindon eardfæst. Sƿeoland hæfþ 25 landskap. Hie nabbaþ ne gerecþegnung bruc. Þa landskap sind in gemænige bryce, and sind þa landsceap hƿærto Sƿeonas habbaþ stoƿlicum holdscipe.

Þa län ƿæron uparæsed in 1634 in Sƿeolande and Finnlande. Sƿeoland hæfþ nu 21 län, ælc mid ealdormann and geþinge. In Finnlande ƿæron 12 lääni ac siððan 1997. 6 lääni (and siððan þæm geare Finnas aƿendað lään oððe län on Niƿe Englisce sƿa "region", se is "regio").


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