Rosanna Diane Davison, ȝeboren 17 Ēastermōnaþ, 1984, ƿæs Ƿoruld frēo 2003, ofcymþ Īrland. In þǣre beƿlātunge, ȝeƿann hēo ǣȝhƿæðer ȝe þone Cƿēne Europan tītul, ȝe þæt forme Beach Beauty (eng. Faroþ ƿlitiȝ mæȝden) ȝeƿinn.

Rosanna Davison, Ƿoruld frēo 2003 tītulhealdestre

Hēo is sēo dohtor folccūðes drēameres Chris de Burgh.

 Þis Īrisce līfspellice geƿrit is stycce. Þu canst helpan þǣm Ƿicipǣdian mid ætīecunge his.

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Maria Garcia

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