Mongolas sind micel folc þæt oneardað Middelasia and Norþern Asia. Hiera eald eard is Mongolland, begen þæt rice genemned Mongolland and Inner Mongolland þæt is Cīnan dæl.

Mongolisc hūs

Mǣre ƿæs þis folc in geardagum forþæm þe hiera Mongolrīce ricsode ofer eallum Asie būton Indea.

Mongolas buað in Mongolland and ēac in manigum landum in Norðernum Asie, on Russum, on Seringum and on eallum rīcum in Middelasie. In Russlande eardiaþ Buryatas, Mongola mægð, and ēac sind Kalmykas ðā būaþ by Caspie.

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