Līfclēofa (ēac ānfealdlīce clēofa gehāten and on Nīwenglisce cell gehāten) is grundlicost dǣl līfes. Hē wæs ǣrest fram Roberte Hooke onfunden, and hē is grundlicost dǣl eallra gecūðra libbendra wihta. Hē is se lǣsta dǣl līfes þe is tōmearcod swā "libbende", and is hwīlum þæt "līftimber" gehāten. [1] Suma wihta, tō bȳsne se mǣsta dǣl stengwihta, habbaþ efne ānne līfclēofan; ōðra wihta, tō bȳsne menn habbaþ manige clēofan. (Menn habbaþ fornēan 1014 (þe is fornēan ān hund þūsenda þūsenda þūsenda þūsenda) clēofena; gewunelicu lifclēofan micelness is tīenra smælmetera; gewunelic līfclēofan wiht is ānes dweorgsāmpeninges). Se mǣsta gecūða clēofa is unsǣdod strȳtan æges clēofa, þe hæfþ wiht þreora and þreora tēoðena punda.[2][3]


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