Israhēl þæt land (Hebrēisce: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל; Medinat Yisra'el; Arabisce: دَوْلَةْ إِسْرَائِيل, Dawlat Isrā'īl) is land in þǣm Middlum Ēaste on þǣm ēasternan riman þæs Ƿendelsǣs. Hē is folcgemōtisc lēodþing and se āna Iudēisc landrīce þǣre ƿorulde. Se nama "Israēl" cymþ of þǣre Hebrēiscan Biblioþēcan, þa þe hātte Tanakh, þǣrinn Iacobus biþ ednemnod Israēl æfter þǣm þe hē ƿrixlode mid diernum fīend ("ƿer", and ufor "god" æfter þǣre Cnēorisbēc 32:24-30; oþþe "se engel", æfter þǣm Hosean 12:4).

Quick Facts
מדינת ישראל
(Medīnat Yisra'el)
دولة إسرائيل
(Dawlat Isrā'īl)
Thumb Thumb
(Fana) (Cassock of Geatwe)
Þēodlic cƿide: nān
Þēodlic antefn: Hatikvah
Hēafod HiHierusalemerusalem1
Mǣste burg Ierusalem
Ambihtlica sprǣca Hebrēisc, Arabisc
Parliamentary democracy
Isaac Herzog (יצחק הרצוג)
Benjamin Netanyahu (בנימין נתניהו)
 - Declaration
From the League of Nations mandate administered by the Geānlǣhte Cynerīce
14 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1948 (05 Iyar 5708)
 - Getæl
 - Ƿæter (%)
20,770 km² (150th)
 - 2013 est.
 - 2003 census
 - Þiccnes
8,051,200 (97th)
333/km² (19ða)
 - Getæl
 - For ǣlcum hēafde
2005 estimate
$163.44 billiona (52nd)
$22,944 (30ða)
Sceatt Nīwu Israēlisc entse (₪) (ILS)
 - Summor (DST)
Internet TLD .il
Sprecungrīm +972



Gefealnisa on þǣm efen hēafod þæs ceoselhīwedes hēahbeorges, ymbsetted æt þǣm īeðelande. Ōðre hēahbeorgas sind sewen in þǣm bæcgrunde.
Masada beorg, þēodlic tæcn

Se ymbeþanc þæs "Israhēlisces Land", cnāƿen in Hebrēiscre spræce sƿā Eretz Yisrael (oþþe Eretz Yisroel), ƿæs and is ƿihtig and hālig for Iudeiscum lēode siþþan bibliþēcanlican tīman. In þǣre Ǣ, ƿeddod God þæt land tō þǣm þrim Lēodfrumum þæs Iudeisces lēode. On þǣm staðole ǣ, se rūm þæs þrēora Lēodfruman is geseted gehƿǣr in þæs ǣrlicum ōðerum þūsandgēar BCE, and se ǣrost Israhēlisc Cyningdōm ƿæs staðolod ymbe þǣm endleofeða hūndredgeare BCE. Nēahfolgiende Israhēlisc cyningdōmas and rīcu geƿealden intermittently ofer þǣm nīehst fēoƿer hūndred geara, and sind cnāƿen fram syndrig frumum ūtan þǣre Biblioþece.

Se norþerna cyningdōm Israhēlisces, sƿā sƿā Philistine burg rīcu gefylled in 722 BCE, þēah þæs sūþernes Iudea Cyningdōm and ānlīep Phoenician burg rīcu āƿunod hira bistandung sƿā þǣm landscipe gecumen under Assyrian ƿealdung. Mid þæt cumung of Babylonians, Iudah ƿæs gefylled ēac.

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1 Dæl þisses landes is on Europan. 


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