Go-Joseon, oþþe Eald Corēa (2333 - 206 BC), ƿæs þæt ǣreste Corēisce cynerīce. Be lāre ƿæs hit ȝestaðelod fram Danȝune in sūðernum Manceurie in þǣm cumbum þāra Liao and Tǣdonȝe Ēana.

'Hēofenmere' ðider Dunȝunes fæder cƿōm in ealdsecȝum

Gedēmed of Cīniscum cranicum cūðe se stæl Go-Joseones sƿā politisc ƿist bēon ȝemearcod sƿā cynerīce (Cīnisc: 國; pinyin: guó) hūru be anȝinne þæs 4. ȝēarhundrede beforan Criste cyme. Þis dǣllīce ȝerisnaþ mid þǣm tōcyme þǣre Īsenan Ielde in Corēan.

Go-Joseon inēode tō āfeallunȝe tīde, ac ƿæs edcƿicod in þǣm 2. ȝēarhundrede BC sƿā Wiman Joseon. Sume Corēisce cranicas ȝemenȝaþ Wiman Joseon, Gija Joseon, and þone fruman Go-Joseon sƿā tīde ānes Go-Joseones.

Ðisses rīces nama is in maniȝfealdum ƿīsum ȝeƿriten and in missenlicum ȝereordum. In Corēiscum Hangul is he '고조선', and Hanja is '古朝鮮'. In þǣm Lædnum stæfreaƿe ƿriteð man 'Go-Joseon' oþðe 'Ko-Josŏn' (be þǣm McCune–Reischauer bysne).

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