Cattas sind cnēoress flǣscetendra dēora. Þēah þe mann cann hūscatt betst, þǣr sind ēac maniȝ cynn ƿildra catta. Þǣr sind tƿā undercnēoressa heora: panðeras (lēon, tiȝeras, laforas, and Ƿīnlendisce panðeras) and læssan cattas. Ȝēaro ƿæs þǣr ēac þridde undercnēoress catta, þā seaxtōþcattas. Hīe ƿuniaþ inlendisclīce on ǣlcum ƿorulddǣle būton Sūþlande and Sūþeaxlande. Būton lēom and ƿildum hūscattum ƿuniaþ cattas ānlēpȝe.


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